Saturate Lexington

The mission of Saturate Lexington is to equip and mobilize our church to saturate our local community with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Each church member will have the opportunity to join a group, adopt a specific area, and commit to monthly (or twice monthly) evangelism and service projects. We aim to reach neighborhoods, schools, and local community areas with intentional gospel outreach.

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1. What is Saturate Lexington? Saturate Lexington is a church-wide initiative to reach our local community with the gospel. Each member is encouraged to join a group, adopt a local area (neighborhood, school, etc.), and engage in monthly or twice-monthly evangelism and service activities.

2. How do I join a group? You can join a group through your Sunday School class, small group, or by signing up at the church's information desk or website. We will also have sign-up opportunities on Sunday mornings.

3. Do I have to be part of a Sunday School class to join? No, you can join any Saturate Lexington group. If you’re not part of a Sunday School class, we’ll help you get connected to an existing group.

4. What if I’m not comfortable sharing the gospel door-to-door? That’s okay! Though we want to challenge you to go outside your comfort zone, there are many ways to participate, such as prayer walking, handing out invite cards, or helping with service projects at schools. Everyone can play a role in Saturate Lexington.

5. What if I’m not available on my group’s evangelism day? No problem! Other groups will have events scheduled throughout the month. You can join any group’s event that works with your schedule.

6. What kind of evangelism activities will we do? Groups can engage in door-to-door gospel sharing, neighborhood prayer walks, community cookouts, teacher/staff appreciation events, and service projects at local schools (like cleaning up playgrounds or beautification projects).

7. How will I know what to say when sharing the gospel? We’ll provide evangelism training for all Sunday School leaders, and additional training sessions will be open to everyone on Wednesday nights. You'll receive tools and simple conversation guides to help you share your faith confidently.

8. Do I have to attend every evangelism event? No. We encourage you to commit to one neighborhood, once a month, for at least one hour of outreach. We encourage you to attend as often as you can. The more people participate, the more impact we’ll have on our community.

10. Can I invite friends or family to join me? Absolutely! Invite your friends, family, and even neighbors to join in as we show love to our community. This is a great way for others to see the church in action.

11. How will we measure success? We’ll track the number of neighborhoods and schools reached, testimonies of lives changed, and feedback from participants. Success is not just numbers; it’s about being faithful and obedient to the call to share the gospel.

12. Will there be child-friendly activities? Yes! Many activities like prayer walks, neighborhood cookouts, and school service projects are family-friendly. Parents are encouraged to bring their children and teach them the joy of serving and sharing the gospel.

13. What if I have questions or need support? Contact the church office or your Sunday School leader. We’re here to support you and ensure every group has what they need to succeed.

14. How can I stay updated on upcoming evangelism opportunities? Stay tuned for Sunday morning announcements, check the Saturate Lexington page on the church website, and follow us on social media. We'll provide regular updates and reminders.

15. Will there be follow-up with people we engage with? Yes! Each group will be encouraged to keep track of contacts made and offer follow-up support. We’ll provide guidance on how to stay connected and invite people to church or ongoing discipleship opportunities.